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Announcement of the Base Price (EFR)

The base price of EFR (00006), which will be listed on YSX on 28th May, 2020, its upper and lower limit price, and the tick size of the listing date are as follows:

* Base price: MMK 2,300
* Upper limit price: MMK 2,800
* Lower limit price: MMK 1,800
* Tick size: MMK 50

“Base price” is the price to determine the “upper and lower limit price” of the day. The price is not intended to mean a kind of predetermined or anticipated matching price.

Investors may place a “Limit order” at any price between the upper and lower limit price or “Market order” not to name the price for gaining priority to buy or sell a stock.

If investors place a Market order, it does not mean it will always be matched at the base price. It can be matched between the upper and lower limit price based on the balance of supply and demand.